Prayers to the saints unite us with those who enjoy the eternal vision of God in heaven. They see our needs, hear our prayers and intercede to God for us. We, on earth, are called the Pilgrim Church journeying toward our God. One task we have is to pray for those who have died loving God, but because of some fault, must undergo a time of purification.
Those in heaven, we on earth, and those in Purgatory are members of Christ's Mystical Body who find a ready advocate in Mary, our spiritual mother. It was Mary whom God asked that she consent to give birth to His Son, our Redeemer. It is Mary who intercedes to God for us. God can refuse His Son's Mother nothing when she requests a favor for our spiritual welfare.
Angelus (The Angel's
prayer to Mary)
Anne, Mother of Mary
Anthony of Padua
Catherine of Siena
Clare of Assisi
Divine Mercy Chaplet to Jesus
Elizabeth of Hungary
Faustina Kowalska
Divine Mercy Devotions and Novenas
Francis of Assisi
John Paul II, pope
Jose Maria Escrivá
Joseph, Foster-father of Jesus
Maria Goretti
Mary, Mother of Divine Mercy
Mary, Miraculous Medal
Mary, Novena in honor of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal
Mary, Our Blessed Lady of the Chain
Mary, Our Lady of Guadalupe
Mary, the Annunciation
Michael, Archangel
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel
Patrick of Ireland
Pedro Calungsod of Cebu
Pio of Pietrelcina
Raphael, Archangel
Rita of Cascia
Roch (Rocco)
Thèrése of the Child Jesus
Thomas More