A Priest Speaks
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Following is a list of the Gospel stories as written by the Evangelists Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John which are read at the Catholic Mass Liturgy on Sundays of the Church Year.  They are grouped into three cycles, A, B, and C.  The attached priestly homilies help the faithful to understand the depth and meaning of Christ's message as He announced His kingdom.  The priest carries on this mission of the Church as teacher through his instruction. 


01:18-24       Cycle A  2004-2005  4th Sunday of Advent
01:18-24       Cycle A  2013-2014  4th Sunday of Advent
02:01-12       Cycle B  2002-2003  Epiphany of Our Lord
02:01-12       Cycle C  2003-2004  Epiphany of Our Lord
02:01-12       Cycle A  2004-2005  Epiphany of Our Lord
02:01-12       Cycle B  2011-2012  Epiphany of Our Lord
02:01-12       Cycle A  2013-2014  Epiphany of Our Lord
02:13-15, 19-23           Cycle A  2004-2005  The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph
03:01-12       Cycle A  2004-2005  2nd Sunday of Advent
03:01-12       Cycle A  2007-2008  2nd Sunday of Advent
03:13-17       Cycle A  2004-2005  The Baptism of Our Lord
03:13-17       Cycle A  2007-2008  The Baptism of Our Lord
04:01-11       Cycle A  2004-2005  1st Sunday of Lent
04:12-23       Cycle A  2004-2005  3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
04:12-23       Cycle A  2013-2014  3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
05:01-12a     Cycle B  2002-2003  All Saints Day
05:01-12a     Cycle A  2004-2005  4th Sunday in Ordinary Time
05:01-12a     Cycle A  2010-2011  Solemnity of All Saints
05:01-12a     Cycle C  2012-2013  Solemnity of All Saints
05:13-16       Cycle A  2004-2005  5th Sunday in Ordinary Time
05:13-16       Cycle A  2013-2014  5th Sunday in Ordinary Time
06:01-06, 16-18            Cycle A 2016-2017  Ash Wednesday
09:09-13       Cycle A  2004-2005  10th Sunday in Ordinary Time
09:36-10:08  Cycle A  2004-2005  11th Sunday in Ordinary Time
11:02-11       Cycle A  2004-2005  3rd Sunday of Advent
11:25-30       Cycle A  2001-2002  14th Sunday in Ordinary Time
11:25-30       Cycle A  2007-2008  14th Sunday in Ordinary Time
13:01-23       Cycle A 2001-2002   15th Sunday in Ordinary Time
13:01-23       Cycle A  2010-2011  15th Sunday in Ordinary Time
13:24-43       Cycle A  2004-2005  16th Sunday in Ordinary Time
13:44-52       Cycle A  2004-2005  17th Sunday in Ordinary Time
14:13-21       Cycle A  2004-2005  18th Sunday in Ordinary Time
14:13-21       Cycle A  2010-2011  18th Sunday in Ordinary Time
14:22-33       Cycle A  2004-2005  19th Sunday in Ordinary Time
14:22-33       Cycle A  2010-2011  19th Sunday in Ordinary Time
15:21-28       Cycle A  2004-2005  20th Sunday in Ordinary Time
15:21-28       Cycle A  2010-2011  20th Sunday in Ordinary Time
16:13-19       Cycle B  2002-2003  Sts. Peter and Paul
16:13-20       Cycle A  2004-2005  21st Sunday in Ordinary Time
16:13-20       Cycle A  2007-2008  21st Sunday in Ordinary Time
16:13-20       Cycle A  2010-2011  21st Sunday in Ordinary Time
16:21-27       Cycle A  2004-2005  22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
16:21-27       Cycle A  2010-2011  22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
16:21-27       Cycle A  2017-2017  22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
17:05-10       Cycle C  2012-2013  27th Sunday in Ordinary Time
18:15-20       Cycle A  2004-2005  23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
18:15-20       Cycle A  2007-2008  23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
18:15-20       Cycle A  2010-2011  23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
18:21-35       Cycle A  2004-2005  24th Sunday in Ordinary Time
20:01-16a     Cycle A  2004-2005  25th Sunday in Ordinary Time
21:28-32       Cycle A  2004-2005  26th Sunday in Ordinary Time
21:33-43       Cycle A  2004-2005  27th Sunday in Ordinary Time
21:33-43       Cycle A  2010-2011  27th Sunday in Ordinary Time
22:01-14       Cycle A  2004-2005  28th Sunday in Ordinary Time
22:01-14       Cycle A  2010-2011  28th Sunday in Ordinary Time
22:15-21       Cycle A  2004-2005  29th Sunday in Ordinary Time
22:15-21       Cycle A  2010-2011  29th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Cycle A  2001-2002  30th Sunday in Ordinary Time
22:34-40       Cycle A  2004-2005  30th Sunday in Ordinary Time
22:34-40       Cycle A  2010-2011  30th Sunday in Ordinary Time
23:01-12       Cycle A  2004-2005  31st Sunday in Ordinary Time
24:37-44       Cycle A  2004-2005  1st Sunday of Advent
25:01-13       Cycle A  2004-2005  32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
25:01-13       Cycle A  2010-2011  32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
     Cycle A  2001-2002  Christ The King
25:31-46       Cycle A  2004-2005  Christ The King
25:31-46       Cycle A  2010-2011  Christ The King
28:01-10       Cycle A  2013-2014  Easter Vigil in the Holy Night
28:16-20       Cycle B  2002-2003  Trinity Sunday
28:16-20       Cycle A  2004-2005  Ascension of Our Lord
28:16-20       Cycle A  2013-2014  Ascension of Our Lord

01-01-08       Cycle B  2002-2003  2nd Sunday of Advent
01-01-08       Cycle B  2011-1012  2nd Sunday of Advent
01:12-15       Cycle B  2002-2003  1st Sunday of Lent
01:12-15       Cycle B  2005-2006  1st Sunday of Lent
01:14-20       Cycle B  2005-2006  3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
01:21-28       Cycle B  2011-2012  4th Sunday in Ordinary Time
01:29-39       Cycle B  2002-2003  5th Sunday in Ordinary Time
01:40-45       Cycle B  2005-2006  6th Sunday in Ordinary Time
02:01-12       Cycle B  2002-2003  7th Sunday in Ordinary Time
02:18-22       Cycle B  2002-2003  8th Sunday in Ordinary Time
02:18-22       Cycle B  2005-2006  8th Sunday in Ordinary Time
06:01-06       Cycle B  2002-2003  14th Sunday in Ordinary Time
06:07-13       Cycle B  2002-2003  15th Sunday in Ordinary Time
06:30-34       Cycle B  2002-2003  16th Sunday in Ordinary Time
06:30-34       Cycle B  2011-2012  16th Sunday in Ordinary Time
07:01-08, 14-15, 21-23 Cycle B  2002-2003  22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
07:01-08, 14-15, 21-23 Cycle B  2005-2006  22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
07:01-08, 14-15, 21-23 Cycle B  2011-2012  22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
07:31-37       Cycle B  2002-2003  23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
07:31-37       Cycle B  2011-2012  23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
09:02-10       Cycle B  2002-2003  2nd Sunday of Lent
09:02-10       Cycle B  2011-2012  2nd Sunday of Lent
09:30-37       Cycle B  2002-2003  25th Sunday in Ordinary Time
09:38-43, 45, 47-48     Cycle B  2002-2003  26th Sunday in Ordinary Time
10:02-16       Cycle B  2002-2003  27th Sunday in Ordinary Time
10:17-30       Cycle B  2002-2003  28th Sunday in Ordinary Time
10:17-30       Cycle B  2011-2012  28th Sunday in Ordinary Time

10:35-45       Cycle B  2002-2003  29th Sunday in Ordinary Time
10:46-52       Cycle B  2002-2003  30th Sunday in Ordinary Time
12:28b-34     Cycle B  2011-2012  31st Sunday in Ordinary Time
12:38-44       Cycle B  2011-2012  32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
13:24-32       Cycle B  2002-2003  33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
13:24-32       Cycle B  2011-2012  33rd Sunday in Ordinary time
13:33-37       Cycle B  2002-2003  1st Sunday of Advent
13:33-37       Cycle B  2011-2012  1st Sunday of Advent
14:12-16, 22-26           Cycle B 2011-2012  Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ - Corpus Christi
14:1,15:47    Cycle B  2002-2003  Palm Sunday
14:1,15:47    Cycle B  2011-2012  Palm Sunday
16:15-20       Cycle B  2002-2003  Ascension of our Lord

01:01-04,4:14-21     Cycle C  2003-2004  3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
01:01-04,4:14-21     Cycle C  2012-2013  3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
01:26-38       Cycle B  2002-2003   4th Sunday of Advent
01:26-38       Cycle C  2003-2004   Immaculate Concepton
01:26-38       Cycle A  2004-2005   Immaculate Conception
01:26-38       Cycle B  2011-2012   Immaculate Conception
01:26-28       Cycle A  2013-2014   Immaculate Conception
01:26-38       Cycle B  2005-2006   4th Sunday of Advent
01:26-38       Cycle B  2011-2012   4th Sunday of Advent
01:39-56       Cycle A  2001-2002   Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
01:39-56       Cycle B  2002-2003   Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
01:39-56       Cycle C  2003-2004   Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
01:39-56       Cycle A  2004-2005   Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
01:39-56       Cycle B  2005-2006   Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
01:39-56       Cycle A  2010-2011   Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
01:39-56       Cycle B  2011-2012   Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
02:01-14       Cycle C  2012-2013   Solemnity of the Nativity of the Lord (Mass during the Night)
02:16-21       Cycle B  2002-2003   Solemnity of Mary the Mother of God
02:16-21       Cycle B  2011-2012   Solemnity of Mary the Mother of God
02:16-21       Cycle C  2012-2013   Solemnity of Mary the Mother of God
02:22-40       Cycle B  2002-2003   The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph
02:22-40       Cycle B  2002-2003   The Presentation of Our Lord
02-22-42       Cycle B  2005-2006   The Presentation of Our Lord
02:22-40       Cycle A   2013-2014   The Presentation of Our Lord
02:41-52       Cycle C  2006-2007   The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph
02:41-52       Cycle C  2012-2013   The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph
03:01-06       Cycle C  2003-2004   2nd Sunday of Advent
03:10-18       Cycle C  2003-2004   3rd Sunday of Advent
03:10-18       Cycle C  2012-2013   3rd Sunday of Advent
03:15-16, 21-22           Cycle C  2003-2004   Baptism of Our Lord
03:15-16, 21-22           Cycle C  2012-2013   Baptism of Our Lord
03:04:01-13       Cycle C  2003-2004   1st Sunday of Lent
04:01-13       Cycle C  2012-2013   1st Sunday of Lent
04:01-13       Cycle C  2013-2014   1st Sunday of Lent
04:21-30       Cycle C  2003-2004   4th Sunday in Ordinary Time
05:01-11       Cycle C  2003-2004   5th Sunday in Ordinary Time
06:27-38       Cycle C  2003-2004   7th Sunday in Ordinary Time
07:11-17       Cycle C  2012-2013   10th Sunday in Ordinary Time
07:36-8:3      Cycle C  2012-2013   11th Sunday in Ordinary Time
09:11b-17     Cycle C  2003-2004   Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi)
09:18-24       Cycle C  2003-2004   12th Sunday in Ordinary Time
09:18-24       Cycle C  2012-2013   12th Sunday in Ordinary Time
09:28b-36     Cycle C  2003-2004   2nd Sunday of Lent
09:28b-36     Cycle C  2006-2007   2nd Sunday of Lent
10:01-12, 17-20           Cycle C  2003-2004  14th Sunday in Ordinary Time
10:25-37       Cycle C  2003-2004   15th Sunday in Ordinary Time
10:25-37       Cycle C  2012-2013   15th Sunday in Ordinary Time
10:25-37       Cycle C  2018-2019   15th Sunday in Ordinary Time
10:38-42       Cycle C  2003-2004   16th Sunday in Ordinary Time
10:38-42       Cycle C  2006-2007   16th Sunday in Ordinary Time
11:01-13       Cycle C  2012-2013   17th Sunday in Ordinary Time
12:13-21       Cycle C  2003-2004   18th Sunday in Ordinary Time
12:13-27       Cycle C  2012-2013   18th Sunday in Ordinary Time
12:32-48       Cycle C  2003-2004   19th Sunday in Ordinary Time
12:32-48       Cycle C  2006-2007   19th Sunday in Ordinary Time
12:49-53       Cycle C  2006-2007   20th Sunday in Ordinary Time
12:49-53       Cycle C  2012-2013   20th Sunday in Ordinary Time
13:01-09       Cycle C  2003-2004   3rd Sunday of Lent        
13:22-30       Cycle C  2003-2004   21st Sunday in Ordinary Time
13:22-30       Cycle C  2012-2013   21st Sunday in Ordinary Time
14:1, 7-14     Cycle C  2012-2013   22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
14:25-33       Cycle C  2003-2004   23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
15:01-03, 11-32          Cycle C  2003-2004  4th Sunday of Lent
15:01-03, 11-32          Cycle C  2006-2007  4th Sunday of Lent
15:01-03, 11-32          Cycle C  2012-2013  4th Sunday of Lent
15:01-32       Cycle C  2003-2004   24th Sunday in Ordinary Time
16:01-13       Cycle C  2003-2004   25th Sunday in Ordinary Time
16:01-13       Cycle C  2012-2013   25th Sunday in Ordinary Time
16:19-31       Cycle C  2003-2004   26th Sunday in Ordinary Time
17:05-10       Cycle C  2003-2004   27th Sunday in Ordinary Time
17:05-10       Cycle C  2012-2013   27th Sunday in Ordinary Time
18:01-08       Cycle C  2003-2004   29th Sunday in Ordinary Time
18:09-14       Cycle C  2003-2004   30th Sunday in Ordinary Time
19:01-10       Cycle C  2012-2013   31st Sunday in Ordinary Time
20:27-38       Cycle C  2003-2004   32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
21:05-19       Cycle C  2003-2004   33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
21:05-19       Cycle C  2012-2013   33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
21:25-28, 34-36           Cycle C  2003-2004  1st Sunday of Advent
22:14-23:56  Cycle C  2012-2013   Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord             
23:35-43       Cycle C  2003-2004   34th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe)
23:35-43       Cycle C  2012-2013   34th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe)
24:13-15       Cycle A  2004-2005   3rd Sunday of Easter
24:13-35       Cycle A  2013-2014   3rd Sunday of Easter
24:35-48       Cycle B  2005-2006   3rd Sunday of Easter
24:35-48       Cycle B  2011-2012   3rd Sunday of Easter
24:46-53       Cycle C  2003-2004   7th Sunday of Easter (Ascension on Sunday)

01:01-18        Cycle B  2002-2003   Nativity of Our Lord-Christmas during the day
01:01-18        Cycle A  2004-2005   Nativity of Our Lord-Christmas during the day
01-01-18        Cycle B  2011-2012   Nativity of Our Lord-Christmas during the day
01:06-08, 19-28            Cycle B  2002-2003  3rd Sunday of Advent
01:06-08, 19-28            Cycle B  2005-2006  3rd Sunday of Advent
01:06-08, 19-28            Cycle B  2011-2012  3rd Sunday of Advent
01:29-34        Cycle A  2004-2005   2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
01:35-42        Cycle B  2002-2003   2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
01:35-42        Cycle B  2011-2012   2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
02:01-11        Cycle C  2003-2004   2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
02:01-11        Cycle C  2012-2013   2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
02:12-25        Cycle B  2002-2003   3rd Sunday of Lent       
02:12-25        Cycle B  2011-2012   3rd Sunday of Lent
03:13-17        Cycle A  2016-2017   Exaltation of the Holy Cross
03:16-18        Cycle A  2004-2005   Holy Trinity Sunday
03:14-21        Cycle B  2011-2012   4th Sunday of Lent
04:05-42        Cycle A  2004-2005   3rd Sunday of Lent
06:01-15        Cycle B  2005-2006   17th Sunday in Ordinary Time
06:51-58        Cycle B  2002-2003   20th Sunday in Ordinary Time
06:51-58        Cycle A  2004-2005   Corpus Christi-The Body and Blood of Christ
06:60-69        Cycle B  2002-2003   21st Sunday in Ordinary Time
06:60-69        Cycle B  2011-2012   21st Sunday in Ordinary Time
09:01-41        Cycle A  2001-2002   4th Sunday of Lent

09:01-41        Cycle A  2004-2005   4th Sunday of Lent
10:01-10        Cycle A  2001-2002   4th Sunday of Lent
10:01-10        Cycle A  2004-2005   4th Sunday of Easter
10:01-10        Cycle A  2013-2014   4th Sunday of Easter
10:27-30        Cycle C  2003-2004   4th Sunday of Easter
10:27-30        Cycle C  2012-2013   4th Sunday of Easter
11:01-45        Cycle B  2002-2003   5th Sunday of Lent
11:01-45        Cycle C  2003-2004   5th Sunday of Lent
11:01-45        Cycle A  2004-2005   5th Sunday of Lent
11:17-27        Cycle B  2002-2003   All Souls Day
12:20-33        Cycle B  2008-2009   5th Sunday of Lent
12:20-33        Cycle B  2011-2012   5th Sunday of Lent
13:01-15        Cycle C  2003-2004   Holy Thursday
13:01-15        Cycle A  2004-2005   Holy Thursday
13:31-33a, 34-35          Cycle C  2003-2004  5th Sunday of Easter
13:31-33a, 34-35          Cycle C  2006-2007  5th Sunday of Easter
14:01-12        Cycle A  2004-2005   5th Sunday of Easter
14:01-12        Cycle A  2013-2014   5th Sunday of Easter
14:15-21        Cycle A  2004-2005   6th Sunday of Easter
14:15-21        Cycle A  2013-2014   6th Sunday of Easter
14:23-29        Cycle C  2003-2004   6th Sunday of Easter
15:01-08        Cycle B  2002-2003   5th Sunday of Easter
15:01-08        Cycle B  2003-2004   5th Sunday of Easter
15:09-17        Cycle B  2002-2003   6th Sunday of Easter
15:09-17        Cycle B  2005-2006   6th Sunday of Easter
15:09-17        Cycle B  2011-2012   6th Sunday of Easter
16:12-15        Cycle C  2012-2013   Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity
18:01-19:42   Cycle B  2002-2003   Good Friday

18:01-19:42   Cycle C  2003-2004   Good Friday
18:01-19:42   Cycle B  2005-2006   Good Friday
18:01-19:42   Cycle B  2011-2012   Good Friday
18:01-19:42   Cycle C  2012-2013   Good Friday
18:33b-37      Cycle B  2002-2003   Christ the King
20:01-09        Cycle B  2002-2003   Easter Sunday
20:01-09        Cycle C  2003-2004   Easter Sunday
20:01-09        Cycle B  2011-2012   Easter Sunday
20:19-23        Cycle B  2002-2003   Pentecost Sunday
20:19-23        Cycle C  2003-2004   Pentecost Sunday
20:19-23        Cycle A  2004-2005   Pentecost Sunday
20:19-23        Cycle C 2012-2013    Pentecost Sunday
20:19-23        Cycle A  2013-2014   Pentecost Sunday
20:19-31        Cycle B  2002-2003   2nd Sunday of Easter, Divine Mercy Sunday
20:19-31        Cycle C  2003-2004   2nd Sunday of Easter, Divine Mercy Sunday
20:19-31        Cycle A  2004-2005   2nd Sunday of Easter, Divine Mercy Sunday
20:19-31        Cycle A  2007-2008   2nd Sunday of Easter, Divine Mercy Sunday
20:19-31        Cycle A  2013-2014   2nd Sunday of Easter, Divine Mercy Sunday
21:01-19        Cycle C  2003-2004   3rd Sunday of Easter

Philemon 9-10, 12-17    Cycle C 2012-2013  23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
