About Saints
Saint Topics Listing

         A.   IN THE BEGINNING (Creation of Material and Immaterial)    

1.  Creation
                a.  Heavens - Immaterial, Invisible.
                b.  Earth - Material, Visible.

          2.  Earth - Populated with created material beings.
                a.  Man      - created, material,  sentient, movable, rational (intellect & free will)
                                    the presence of rationality (spiritual faculty elevates man to slightly less than the angels).
                b.  Animals - created, material,  sentient,        movable,        non-rational.
                c.  Plants    - created, material,  sentient,        non-movable, non-rational.
                d.  Stone    - created, material,  non-sentient, non-movable, non-rational.

           B.  THE HUMAN BEING

           1. The soul of man
                a.  Non-material.
                b.  Life principle of body.
                c.  Seat of intellect and free will.
                d.  Exists forever after created.

            2, The body of man.
                a.  Human Person - neither only body nor only soul, but the rational union of both.
                b.  Human Nature - that collection of matter which exists, grows and has particular characteristics, i.e., height,
                                               hair color, length of fingers, color of eyes, dimples, etc.
                c.  Decays at time of death.
                d.  Reunited with soul at the Final Judgment before all.
                     1).  Eternal glory with God if person dies freely choosing God's commands to love the good.
                     2).  Eternal shame without God if person dies freely rejecting God's commands to love the good.

            C.  THE ROAD TO SANCTITY - Particular Judgment (Prior to Final Judgment)

            1.  At death of the body.
                 a.  Immediate reward of God's presence - if freely chose God's commands to love the good.
                 b.  Temporary delay of God's presence.
                      1).  Satisfaction for "minor infractions freely made" in the condition called Purgatory.
                      2).  Due to freely choosing love of self over love for God.

            2.  Process by the Catholic Church to determine without error a soul is present with God in heaven.
                 a.  Early church - The act of martyrdom (freely chose to die than renounce the Faith). 
                 b.  Present day - Canonization (official church recognition the person is present in heaven).

            3.  Steps for Canonization
                 a.  Servant of God.
                       1).  Local bishop where candidate died opens the cause for his consideration.
                       2).  Local examination of candidate's life and writings - findings sent to Rome (Congregation for Causes of
                             the Saints) for further study.
                 b.  Venerable
                       1).  Indicates the person exhibited the Theological virtues of faith, hope, charity.
                       2).  Indicates the person exhibited the Cardinal virtues of prudence, justice, fortitude, temperance .
                 c.  Beatified - meaning it is worthy of belief that the person is in heaven as either:
                       1).  Martyr - Pope states the venerable gave his life voluntarily for the faith and / or in an act of heroic
                                          charity for others.
                       2).  Confessor - A non-martyr.
                              a).  Bore witness or confessed to their faith by how they lived their life .
                              b).  Miracle occurs and proved to have occurred in response to prayers to the Blessed.
                        3).  Feast day identified in his local area.
                 d.  Saint - enjoys the Beatific Vision in heaven.
                        1).  Two miracles required - may be modified by pope.
                        2).  Feast day celebrated on calendar of universal church.
                        3).  Equipollent Canonization.
                              a).  General belief in person's sanctity held by an early local church.
                              b).  Reliable historians cite the virtues or martyrdom of the person.
                              c).  Uninterrupted fame as a miracle worker.

Saint Topics Listing